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Unable to compile class for JSP: An error occurred at line: [25] in the generated java file: [/var/lib/tomcat7/work/Catalina/] Only a type can be imported. resolves to a package An error occurred at line: [226] in the jsp file: [/shop/inc_productdetail.jsp] WSAvailability.PROP_AVAILABLE cannot be resolved to a type 223: try { 224: availability = af.getAvailability(user, product); 225: availableQuantity = availability.getValue(); 226: if(((Boolean)availability.getProperty(WSAvailability.PROP_AVAILABLE)).booleanValue() && availableQuantity > 0) 227: { 228: availImg = " "; 229: submit = " onclick=\"addToExternalCart(this.form)\""; Stacktrace: